
Two figures wearing hooded cloaks were walking through a dark corridor made of stone. The only light was a single candle held by one of the figures, leading the way. There was the smell of mildew in the air, and only the footsteps of the figures and the faint dripping of water could be heard. After walking several paces they descended a small set of stairs and paused while the first figure blew out the candle.

“Continue,” the second figure commanded the first.

There was a slight echo from the sudden voice, and in the distance a rustling could be heard. Before long the corridor opened up into a room. Two figures, also wearing hooded cloaks, were standing there in wait. Lit only by moonlight coming in through a grate in the ceiling it was impossible to identify any individual features besides their height. One stood nearly a head taller than the other.

The group silently formed a circle, and the second figure spoke, “How are the preparations.”

The taller figure turned towards the voice, “Nearly complete,” with a small nod.

“There’s been a slight problem with the catalyst. Nothing severe,” the shorter figure followed.

The second figure turned towards the shorter figure in a hurried motion, and spoke with irritation in their voice, “Why wasn’t this reported earlier?! Details.”

The shorter figure brought up their hand made a waving motion in dismissal, “The magi-stone that was procured has a smaller capacity than requested.”

“How big of a difference?” asked the second figure.

This time the taller figure responded, “Ten percent. Calculations still fall within the error margins.”

The second figure brought their hand up to the opening in their hood, and after a moment spoke, “Ten percent is not insignificant, but we’ll have to make do. We can’t source another at this stage. This was your responsibility. Should this fail, you will be held responsible.”

The shorter figure angrily approached the second figure, with some movement under the cloak at their waist, “You will not threaten me!”

In an instant the silent figure appeared in front of the shorter figure, blocking them from approaching any closer to the second and held up their hand. A slight ripple could be seen in the back of the silent figure’s cloak. The second figure stood calmly and dismissed the silent figure with a wave before saying, “Volume. We cannot deviate from the plans. You know this.”

After a moment the shorter figure turned around and returned to their original position, however they did not turn back to face the group.

“We will not fail. There are contingencies in place,” the taller figure spoke.

The shorter figure huffed, “We are done,” and started to walk away from the group down a different corridor than the first two had entered from. The taller figure bowed before turning and following.

The second figure snorted. “Insolent. Go, prepare the way.”

The silent figure bowed deeply and disappeared into smoke.

The second figure looked up, through the grate into the night sky. A small glint reflecting the moonlight could be seen in the hood.


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